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Technical Quiz

​General Rules

  1. Only team entries are eligible.

  2. A team shall consist of max two persons

  3. The decision of the quiz-master will be final and will not be subjected to any change.

  4. The participants shall not be allowed to  use mobile or other electronic instruments.

  5. The questions shall be in the form of multiple choice, True / False statement, Specific-answer question etc.

  6. Audience  shall  not give any hints or clues to the competitors.

  7. Replacement of any participant  of a team is not allowed after registration

  8. Teams selected for the final rounds  will be allowed to give themselves an appropriate name related to the competition by which they may want to be known


ELIMINATION ROUND – (In case more than 6 teams register)on ………..)

  • Each team would be given a set of question paper containing 25 multiple choice objective type questions

  • Time limit - 15 minutes

  • Only 6 Teams would be selected for STAGE ROUNDS

  • In case of tie between 2 or more teams, further 5 questions would be asked for final selection

  • The selected teams shall have to appear for the final round



Round 1 : A question will be asked to a team and if they are unable to answer it will be passed to the next team - Rounds 4- 24 questions

  • Each team would be asked 4 questions each. ( Objective questions with options)

  • 10 marks for correct answer and 5 negative marksfor wrong answer.

  • If a team cannot answer the question, they can pass the question &  then the question would be forwarded to the next team.

  • Answering time is only 30 seconds.

  • Team discussion is allowed.


Round 2: Rapid Fire Round : -Each team will be asked 10 questions one after another in one minutes time-  : 60 questions

  • 10 marks for the correct answer and negative 5 marks for the wrong answer

  • Answering time is only 3 seconds

  • Team discussion is allowed

  • If a team cannot answer the question, they can say pass for the next question. The question will not  be forwarded to the next team.


Round 3 – Buzzer Round- A question will be fired & the team who presses the buzzer first get to answer first  – 6 Questions

  • 10 marks for the correct answer and negative 5 marks for the wrong or if team doesn’t after they press Buzzers. – No forwarding

  • Answering time is only 30 seconds


Round 4- Audio-visual round 
Teams  will be shown clips and will have to answer.   rounds 2 : 12 questions

  • 10 marks for the correct answer and negative 5 marks for the wrong answer

  • Each Team would be asked 2 audio-visual questions. ( 1 slide in each round )

  • Answering time is only 30 seconds.

  • No passing to the next  team. Audience can answer.



Student Co-ordinators

Ravi Kanth


Staff Co-ordinators

M.Rakesh - 9502674675 K.Govardhan -9959032382

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